
Latest Release

The latest release is version 0.5, which offers several improvements. It is architecturally cleaner than 0.4 and uses css stylesheets for a much more attractive appearance. There is a dependency I'm still trying to figure out. If you encounter a bug please let me know as it will help me figure it out.

See CHANGELOG for the nitty gritty.

What is ScrollServer?

ScrollServer is a Python based http server that provides access to a ScrollKeeper database with any web browser. You can use ScrollServer to browse and search help files that are installed in the ScrollKeeper database on your computer. Someday you will also be able to view online ScrollServer databases.

ScrollServer is a young project that is still in early development, so many features are not yet implemented. You should find it usable but incomplete.

Please report bugs and request features by filing them on SourceForge, or by writing to the author at

SourceForge Site

You can download the latest release and post bug reports on the SourceForge Page.


I'm not using the SourceForge CVS. ScrollServer is hosted in the Linux Documentation Project CVS.


ScrollServer is in very early development, but it is already useful. It has been tested on RedHat 7.1 and Debian Woody. Reports of success or failure on other systems greatly appreciated.

I'm working towards a 1.0 release which will implement basic functionality.

In later releases searching should be powerful but easy. It's a classic trade off, but I'm going to try. It will probably mean writing my own DocBook-aware search library.

There are more ambitious goals in the long term. Eventally, ScrollServers will be able to talk to one another, and to share information with each other. One ScrollServer will `publish' a document or five hundred, and another will `subscribe' to the `publication'. This is mainly for the benefit of the Linux Documentation Project and others who provide more general Linux information.

Each subscription can be left offsite or cached locally, updating the local ScrollKeeper database. If the local ScrollServer database has a cached copy of the document, it will be used in preference to the online copy.

Eventually a reader might be able to rate a document, and have their comments sent to the publisher (i.e., the other ScrollServer) and also to the author of the document, which can be extracted from the DocBook.

Sound like an interesting project?


See these sites for information about related topics.

The OMF specification

Known Bugs

Gnome specific uris such as gnome-help:foo don't work. I and the gnome-doc people are working on a solution. It may just mean work in the xsl stylesheets.

KDE documents haven't even been looked at yet.

HTML is cached, but there is no cache management.


David Merrill